Make fire starters ahead and have ready in case of wet wood or campsite is low on tinder. Use also to start charcoal fires.


· small square of wax paper about 6" x 6" (doubled works better)

· candle stubs, used birthday candles, paraffin wax chips

· use vegetable peeler to make paraffin chips

· twist both ends of wax paper to resemble candy kiss

"EGG" FIRE STARTERS (Waxed Cardboard Egg Carton)

· fill cardboard egg cartons half full of sawdust, wood shavings, pencil shavings, or dryer lint (or charcoal briquette)

· pour melted paraffin (or other wax) into each compartment until each space is full (Wax should be melted in a double boiler and poured with adult supervision. Double boiler can be made with a metal can set in a pot of water.)

· when cool, break apart each "egg" or store the whole carton for future use.


· roll several sheets of newspaper into a long, tight roll

· tie roll with string at 3" intervals and leave 3" ends on the string for dipping

· cut the roll between the strings with a serrated knife or saw

· dip each trench candle into a container of melted wax (see "egg" directions)

· hang by the strings to dry


· strips of old sheets (100% cotton), rolled and soaked in melted household paraffin wax

· when dry, unroll a small section and tear off to use


· use a sharp knife and small stick

· slash the stick several times at an angle, leaving the shavings attached to the stick


Use wooden kitchen matches. Dip matches one by one, half way down the match, into melted paraffin. Allow to dry. Store in tin boxes. The paraffin will not inhibit striking. Nail polish without hardener can be used also in place of the paraffin.


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