I don’t know, but I’ve been told:

All Girl Scouts are good as gold!

I am one, and say it’s true,

Girl Scouting’s great for me and you!

*Chorus: Sound off: 1- 2!
Sound off: 3 - 4!
Bring it on down, now: 1- 2 - 3 - 4!

1 - 2! 3 - 4!

Daisies have a disc of blue,
They are Girl Scouts so brand new.
They are cute and they are sweet
Girl Scout Daisies - fun to meet.


Brownies have a disc of green
They are second on the scene.
They wear a uniform that's brown,
Their smile song can turn a frown.


Junior level is the next,
A yellow disk is on their vest.
They earn their badges one by one.

The Bronze Award they can get done.


Girl Scout Cadettes have a lot to learn.

The Silver Award is theirs to earn.

A white disc is the one they wear
The name Girl Scout they’re proud to share.


Senior discs are red, I know.
They are Girl Scouts on the go.

They can earn the treasured Gold

It's quite an honor, I am told.


Ambassadors' discs are very dark blue

They are Girl Scouts through and through.

Their future's looking very bright.

These Girl Scouts are out of sight!


Leaders have no discs at all
They come all sizes, big and small.
They share their time and talents too.
They make Girl Scouting great for you.

Bridging Poem

Author unknown, updated by Carol Lee Spages

From Girl Scout Daisies dressed in blue
Where everything is fresh and new,
We learn our Promise and our Law
And grow strong as we grow tall.

As Girl Scout Brownies we are eager to learn,
With journeys to follow and Try-its to earn.
We make the world a better place
With big Brownie smiles upon our face.

In Girl Scout Juniors, we venture on,
Exploring our community and beyond.
In a circle of friendship, hand in hand.
We're helping people wherever we can.

In Girl Scouts Cadettes we can really soar,

Destinations have now opened their door.
The Silver Award is ours to achieve

There are places to go and lots to see.

Girl Scout Seniors have become more bold.

Some of us will earn the Gold.

With leadership experience burning bright

We always want to do what's right.

Girl Scout Ambassadors are at the top.

Our exciting adventures will never stop.

As advocates we take the lead

The Promise and Law we will always heed.

Little girls into women grow,
Sharing with others all they know.
Girl Scout adults are there to lead
And lend a hand where there's a need.

From level to level, step by step
With sister Girl Scouts, our futures we prep.

We meet the challenges each level brings,
And then we're on to bigger things.

Views: 371



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